Melanie Nolen
Stats: 5'5", 125#, Hazel Eyes
Degree: BS Communications and Fitness Management, University of Minnesota
Location: Los Angeles, CA
US Passport, Airline Standby privileges
The Purge: Travesty Lead Dir: Dan Johnson
Leaving the Dream Lead Dir. Phillip Kelly
People in my Mind Lead Dir. Vanessa Mirabal
Five Loads Lead Dir. Rachel Deuhs
Harry Putter/Sorcerer’s Phone Supporting Dir. Jeremy Gustafson
FADE Supporting Dir. Chris Beer
Red Letter Day Trading Supporting Dir. Brent Solheim
ITT 3-D TV NETWORK (Pilot) Lead Dir: Carter Dyal.
Safe Word (Web Series) Co-Star SBD Productions
Young America Outdoors #5 Co-Star A & G Productions
Spa Bella Casa Featured WB23 Productions
CSI:NY Featured CBS
Entourage Featured HBO
The Apprentice Featured Trump Productions
Ludlow Fair Agnes Wide Variety Theatre, LA
California Suite Diana Wide Variety Theatre, LA
Ariel Bright Ariel Wide Variety Theatre, MN-LA
So Tell Me About This Guy Marla Wide Variety Theatre, MN-LA
Groundlings, Los Angeles Improv 1 Inst: Various
The Second City, Los Angeles Improv for Actors Inst: Various
Mark Sikes Cold Reading/Auditioning Inst: Mark Sikes
Krater Studios Scene Study/Technique Inst: Jen Krater and Paolo Pagliacolo
Brian Reise Studios Scene Study/Cold Reading Inst: Brian Reise
Homa/Dockweiler Studios Scene Study Inst: John Homa
The Performance Studio Method, Meisner/Lewis Inst: Sandra K. Horner
Guthrie Theatre Minneapolis Scene Study, Technique Inst: Various
Valet Driver
Strong Alto
Grew up on a Farm
Motorcycle License
Personal Trainer